• Membership is required to fly at the field.
  • You must have prof of AMA membership.
  • Flying field hours are from 10:00 AM to dusk Monday through Saturday and 12:00 PM to dusk on Sundays.
  • Mondays are primarily for electrics after 4:00 PM.
  • Radios (72MHZ) must be placed in impound before unloading anything else.
  • You must have a pin or marker name and frequency on it on the frequency board when your radio is in use (72 MHZ).
  • No flying over the pits.
  • Keep your plane within a respectable distance of the flight line (1200 ft.).
  • Wind direction and the arrow determine direction of flight over the runway.
  • No more than five airplanes in the air at once.
  • If you crash you must pick up all pieces of your plane (they may cause damage to farm equiptment).
  • No flying while the runway is being mowed.
  • Safety is everyone's responsibility. Practice safety at all times and help other pilots to remain safe.
  • Take your garbage with you when you leave, including cigarette butts.
  • The entrance gate must remain closed at all times.

Spring is here!


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